Pancake Fever!
It’s Shrove Tuesday, which means (thanks to the delicious spread in the Fever kitchen) we’re eating as many pancakes as possible in a race to feel sick. Here are some of our favourite toppings…
Sophia: fresh blueberries, raspberry coulis and mixed chocolate chips – delicious!
Tom: ham, mushroom and cheese for a main meal, then raspberry jam for dessert.
Siarah: crepe pancakes with banana & chocolate – yummy!
Katy: blueberry pancakes with extra blueberries!
Lauren S: warm blueberry pancakes with fresh fruit were my fave!
Laura: ham and cheese – I’m a savoury girl.
Rachel: the ultimate pancake is one that contains anywhere between one and four cheeses. We didn’t have any cheeses this morning!
Lee: lemon and sugar. The classic.