Diversity & Inclusion Film Club

We have recently kicked off a brand-new Film Club with the aim of educating ourselves on issues around race, gender and sexuality through films and documentaries, celebrating new and up and coming content creators and showing different perspectives. And we recently held our first streaming party which was SO GOOD we HAD to share. We even had a guest speaker to kick off discussions.
The film club kicked off with a viewing of Disclosure. This critically acclaimed documentary is directed by filmmaker Sam Feder and executively produced by Orange is the New Black star and trans activist Laverne Cox. Disclosure features leading trans creatives and thinkers, including Lily Wachowski, Yance Ford, Mj Rodriguez, Jamie Clayton and Chaz Bono, who share incredibly heartfelt perspectives and analysis on Hollywood’s impact on the trans community and the ways in which gender non-conforming characters have been depicted on screen over the last century.
And to make it extra special we were joined by Juno Dawson, actress (most recently seen in the popular BBC drama, ‘I May Destroy You’), bestselling novelist, screenwriter, and part of queer cabaret collective known as CLUB SILENCIO to kick off discussions.
Juno discussed what she would most like to see from the media in the terms of conversations around trans lives, which media she thinks approach trans issues in an empowering, positive way and how brands can look at authentically doing more to support the trans community via their own campaigns (focus being on the word authentic brands, so listen up). Safe to say we all want Juno to join every single event we now do.
An inspiring night and we highly recommend Disclosure if you are looking for a thought-provoking watch.