Draw Something. Anything. Just draw. Draw. Draw…..

***** BREAKING NEWS *****

New epidemic sweeps through Fever office. Symptoms include sore and inflamed thumbs, reduced social skills, eye strain and inability to communicate without the aid of digitally drawn images.

If this sounds familiar you’ve probably also got DrawSomething-itis and should quarantine yourself immediately to a darkened room with a smartphone for two to three hours of solid game playing time. Seriously, this game is addictive. Who knew we had so many budding artists in the office?

If you haven’t already, download the Draw Something app and be prepared to spend your Easter weekend retreating in the manner of a socially inept teenager, frantically tapping your phone screen to convey some frankly incomprehensible words to a physically distant friend/colleague/stranger as your relatives wonder what on earth happened to their previously polite and interesting son/daughter. Go on, download it.  Just don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Here’s a gallery of some of our best artworks – can you guess what it is yet?

Gold Geek Star goes to Fever’s own Dan Wong (main pic) for being a genius Draw Something-er.


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