Feeling Fine Among the Feline – London Cat Village

They say a dog is a man’s best friend, we say, it’s all about dat cat. If you’re of the same persuasion, we strongly recommend you spend an hour at the London Cat Village – a couple of Fever girls did and they’ve been kitty cat crazy ever since.
You’ve heard of cat cafes, but there is a whole village of feline friends on Rivington Street waiting for you to explore. You go in and after a quick pep-talk and change of shoes, you’re among god’s creatures. Actually, first you have to be sanitised because humans need to be disinfected so they don’t pass germs on to animals, obviously. From there, your evening is a pussy galore playground, with cats everywhere ready to play and be loved, and good god were they loved.
The ladies only went in for an hour, but could have stayed for more. They have great coffee and amazing cakes and some of the cutest kitties you ever did see, and while they may be doing nothing to dispel the crazy cat lady stereotype, these Fever girls don’t care, to quote them directly: “to hate cats is to hate happiness”.
Have a look at some of their pics, and get yourself down there for some furry fun on a dark January day. The girls are going to hit the movie night next (we’re all praying for The Lion King so they can pick up the cats and have a real world circle of life moment).
(NB this blog post and activity is not endorsed by all Fever people, many of whom agree it’s insane and borderline creepy).