Fever-favourites YouTube duo to be cast as waxworks
Two of the UK’s most influential YouTube stars, Zoella and Alfie Deyes, will join the likes of One Direction, Adele and even the Queen as the duo announce that they are set to be cast in wax for London’s Madame Tussauds later this year.
The popularity of this new genre of celebrity shows how things are really changing! Zoella and Alfie are stars of the online universe, famous for creating popular content and building enormous fan bases. There’s no doubt that among teens and tweens, these are the next generation of celebrities.
Our recent Face Fusion campaign for HTC Global saw us working with the YouTube sensations. The celebrity vlogger couple – alongside other YouTube stars Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman, used HTC’s new camera feature, Face Fusion to merge their two well-known faces to show what their baby would look like. Baby ‘Zalfie’ proved to be… “interesting looking”, see for yourself here.
The pretties babies aren’t always the most successful, though. Our campaign has been shortlisted as a finalist in the CIPR Excellence Awards for the ‘best use of social media’.