Fever’s 2018

Hey! It’s been a while hasn’t it?
You good?
How was your Christmas/NYE?
Us? Usual shenanigans really – drinks with the old gang on Christmas Eve, started Christmas Day Hungover and asleep by 3. NYE – the less said about that the better.
What did we get up to in 2018?
Where do we start…we don’t honestly know, so here’s a list of unrelated things that happened to us to this year…
- Had 10 team members attempt Dry January (zero completions)
- Built a gigantic sexy statue of Jeff Goldblum to celebrate 25 years of Jurassic Park for NOW TV that pretty much broke the internet and received official endorsement from Daddy Jeff as well
- Spent 124553255666 hours discussing Love Island – (whatever that is? ed.)
- Had our most successful year ever for Award wins – including winning Best of the Best at the Campaign and PR Week Brand London Film Festival for NOW TV
- Brought La Dolce Vita old school Hollywood glam to your favourite Italian restaurant chain ASK Italian by hosting an actual black and white movie night in their restaurants. Crazy right?
- Created a super-high end trailer to hero a super-swanky new Logitech G keyboard
- Drew really tiny beautiful pictures from classic blockbuster films onto kernels of popcorn to promote Sky Q Ultra HD
- Worked with the real-life Frenchie from Grease (Didi Conn) to celebrate the film’s 50th Anniversary with a very special sleepover for NOW TV and only had 2 fangirl meltdowns
- Created the poshest and therefore the best TV-related bingo night ever that attendees said was better than sex* (* I wasn’t there but assume this to be true)
- Kept our finger on the pulse for YouTube making sure media knew about the latest online video trends including the return of Mr Blobby
- Spent roughly 30 hours pretending to work on our laptops while definitely not watching the group stages of the World Cup
- Consumed roughly 7800* litres of tea, 6000* litres of coffee and [FIGURE REDACTED]* litres of beer and fizzy wine (stats courtesy of PR Maths)
- Rebranded ourselves and got a snazzy new website – it’s pretty isn’t it? And if you don’t like it, why the hell did you read this list to the end?