Fever launches NOW TV’s “Do Not Disturb” clowncer service

Today we launched a spooktacular nationwide service for client NOW TV, just in time for Halloween.
With one in four (26%) Brits listing clowns as the Halloween culprits they would least like to meet on their doorsteps and more than 20 million Brits due to watch a scary film this Halloween, NOW TV is offering Brits the perfect solution for peaceful horror movie marathons – the NOW TV ‘clowncer’ service.
With the average Brits answering the door over six times on Hallows Eve, we’re offering ten lucky Brits will win the chance to have a scary clown bouncer ‘clowncer’ (yes, you’re welcome for the pun) to protect their doorstep from mischief-making trick-or-treaters and helping them enjoy an undisturbed night of horror movie mystery and magic.
Launching with an eerie array of clown photography, the campaign was designed to tap into the nations love of films and distaste of clowns and highlight the vast selection of scariest spine-chilling films, available to stream on a NOW TV Sky Cinema Pass this Halloween.
We’re not clownin’ around – we invite you, horror movie fans to enter the competition at your peril, those afraid of creepy clowns (or bouncers) will not be spared from their no-nonsense approach.