Photographing The UK, From Dusk Until Dawn

HTC has partnered with the world-renowned photographer and film-maker, Poppy de Villeneuve, to launch a nationwide search for the photos which best which capture the UK between the hours of dusk and dawn.
The campaign has been launched to highlight the amazing camera features of the HTC One S including the low light capability and Poppy has been walking the streets of London to capture images of her own, using the phone:
The project, entitled ‘My Life: From Dusk Until Dawn’ runs for seven weeks with a different theme each week. Poppy will shortlist her chosen entries for each theme which will then be put to vote on Twitter to decide who is awarded a brand new HTC One S. After five weeks, all of the weekly winners will be put forward for the Twitter community vote finale and the photographer of the public’s favourite image will be awarded a once-in-a-lifetime trip for two to see the Northern Lights; the ultimate low light destination.
If you’re a keen photographer, why not tweet your image to us @HTC_UK with #duskuntildawn