Pria Is Getting Married!
Here at Fever we’re not ones for doing things by halves and last week was no exception – our beautiful Pria is getting married in a month and we had a right good knees-up at her hen party. It all began so innocently with intelligent conversation and the gentle sipping of bubbles…
Unfortunately, conversation topics of culture, economics and philosophy were swapped for suitably hen themed party games. Also thrown into the mix was a game of Mr and Mrs where we heard the story of a very romantic proposal and we’re thrilled to conclude that Pria has indeed bagged herself a keeper!
With the seal of approval officially given, we did what we do best and… behaved impeccably at all times! Details of the evening and incriminating photos from the night after this point are unfortunately unsuitable for our blog, so this is where our blog post shall end!
The next day Pria called in her duvet day and our only communication for the rest of the day was a text to remark at how she has awoken to find countless oddly shaped (!) straws all over her bedroom floor.
We all had a huge amount of fun celebrating with our hen and we can’t wait for the wedding. Pria and Raj, from all of us at Fever, we wish you a very happy marriage.