Sky Q launch

Now that the dust has settled, we wanted to share a bit of a recap on what we’ve been doing for the last month. You may have noticed Sky launched their all new TV service, Sky Q, last month to almost universal praise. Well we were right there alongside them, helping with everything from design to event planning to media relations. What a month it has been.
In case you aren’t aware, Sky Q is Sky’s next-generation home entertainment system, opening up a whole new way of watching TV. Whether it’s watching Sky shows and recordings all over your house, taking your recordings with you or supercharging your home Wi-Fi with numerous hotspots, Sky Q is genuinely an amazing product. I mean, we wouldn’t say if we didn’t think it was good, but we might say nothing, and we aren’t. It’s really cool, and we were so excited to be involved.
We started planning with Sky in 2014 and after many brainstorms and planning sessions we helped them to create an amazing press conference and hands-on experience that really showed off just what this new offering could do. Taking over a huge marque just behind the South Bank, we had 120+ guests set to arrive bright and early on the morning of the November 18th. While the Sky Events team were building sets and erecting huge signs, we were running among them doing everything we could to get everything ready for the hugely anticipated unveil. Our design team put together some incredible assets to support the event and the whole Sky team rallied together to write materials, run media training sessions, agree running orders, drum up attendance and ensure the launch coverage was on point. To be concise, it was.
To date there has been 173 pieces of coverage, including the front page of the i the day after launch and just about every national newspaper covering the announcement, including some huge pieces across weekend papers. We’ve had tech and lifestyle journalists alike pour praise on the product and it was a great team effort between Sky and Fever to secure the hits.
It’s been a huge month, but we couldn’t be prouder. There were many late nights and early mornings but as Bruce says; “things this big happen once a year if you’re lucky, and it’s why we do what we do.” True story bro.