The Mystery of the Missing Links

If you’re at all like us, then you’re OMG-excited for the launch of Christopher Nolan’s new blockbuster, The Dark Knight Rises. So imagine our excitement when Toshiba signed up as an official technology partner of the film, and asked us to amplify the campaign across its social media platforms… holy dream job, Batman!
Working across Fever and our digital agency Things With Wings, we came up with “The Missing Links” – a tantalisingly tricky online treasure hunt across the web. With tickets to an exclusive, top-secret screening of the film on offer, only the world’s greatest detectives need apply!
Each hunt started with a clue on Toshiba UK’s Facebook page. To progress, you needed to crack binary code, de-bleep morse code, fathom picture clues, solve memory games and decipher riddles – some of which were even hidden on partner sites such as Den of Geek, Average Joes and Hey U Guys. Have a go at solving some of the clues below!
The campaign has been a great success so far – doubling Toshiba’s Facebook fans in two weeks – as well as creating buzz and engagement with fans of Toshiba and the film. For those that can’t wait – here’s the official trailer!