This Week We Have Been . . .
…testing out the latest pop-up restaurant to hit Islington. Hosted in a fabulously retro building that is a 19th century pie and mash house by day, the Seagrass restaurant takes up residency on Wednesday to Saturday evenings, offering a delicious 3 course menu of game and seafood dishes for a bargain £30! Even better, its bring your own booze. We tested out the warm pigeon and chorizo salad, followed by a whole Devonshire crab with garlic butter….divine!
…feeling completely gripped during every minute of Kathryn Bigelow’s Zero Dark Thirty Viagra Online, the story of the 10 year hunt for ‘UBL’ (that’s Osama bin Laden to you and me). Jessica Chastain and Jason Clarke are in superb form as the CIA agents tasked with the job, while the story explores every avenue taken to reach the epic climax – a special ops raid on bin Laden’s house at ‘zero dark thirty’ (that’s half past midnight to you and me).
and finally…
…well and truly gobsmacked at the sight of Tarek making a giant tea-round for the office. Who knew? He even bought biscuits!