What happens on Tour…

Here at Fever Towers, we are part of Unlimited and this weekend, after a two year COVID hiatus, we were finally able to re-ignite one of our favourite interagency traditions, Tour Unlimited.
Tour sees members of all agencies come together to cycle between our offices in London and Bristol over a weekend – a total of 240km, all in the name of charity.
The first leg saw our 60 athletes head out from our Covent Garden HQ and fly / cycle at a stately pace south-west out of the city, through Richmond Park and on to Reading for an overnight stay and, (maybe) one or two beers.
Day two was a pretty gruelling (made more so by the aforementioned beers) 106km ride through the south-west’s rolling countryside before a(nother) night out in Chippenham’s biggest and best ‘nightclub’ meant that the final day’s 40km sprint into Bristol involved sore heads as well as legs.
The team arrived at the Bristol office just in time for lunch, some hard-earned beers (sensing a theme here?) and to share their thanks with the incredible support crew who offered support, supplies and smiles all weekend.
So far, the Tour Unlimited riders, organisers and support crew have all done their bit to bring home more than £2,000 for Mind with the donations continuing to roll in. Should you wish to support the cause – please head here and donate.