Following The Footsteps of Tom Cruise in Iceland
To mark the home entertainment release of Universal Pictures’ sci-fi blockbuster OBLIVION, we took a team of journalists over to Iceland to follow in Tom Cruise’s footsteps and check out the stunning locations where it was filmed. The two-day Icelandic adventure was jam-packed with high octane activities, not one but four different modes of transport, and insight into the making of the film from the production company, True North.
Along the way, the group – which included MTV News, Daily Star Sunday and Pocket-Lint – boarded a helicopter for a trip over the highlands, ventured inside a volcano, flew drones over the black sand desert and went high-speed jet boating on The White River. It seems Tom Cruise isn’t the only one who does his own stunts!
The group were lucky enough to stay at Hotel Rangá, the luxury Northern Lights hotel favoured by celebs – including the cast and crew of Oblivion – where they had the chance to sample Icelandic delicacies including Brennivin and putrified shark (and yes it is just as disgusting as it sounds!)
Overall the trip was a great success and all of the journalists had a great time. Don’t just take our word for it though, check out these amazing write-ups on, Pocket-Lint the MTV News website and have a watch of the Oblivion special that aired on MTV on release day!