What’s Hot?

This week we’re investigating a viral Instagram trend that resulted in a less than tree-mendous result, gaining respect for clowns, watching Reels at the Saatchi gallery and calling out people who share spoilers.
Who is planting the trees?
This week, planting trees divided (some of) the nation. It also started with an ‘Add Yours’ sticker (for a brief intro, see last weeks blog). This divisive ‘Add Yours’ sticker promised to plant a tree for every pet picture shared. And suddenly, Instagram was awash with dogs, cats, bunnies, mice, hamsters, lizards, any and all animals small enough to capture and keep in your home until they develop Stockholm Syndrome. These pets were selling their bodies to help the planet, and we couldn’t help but wonder, who is planting all the trees?
After a few days, there were FOUR MILLION contributions to this sticker. Four million trees! According to my admittedly poor research, this appears to be 60,000 football fields worth of trees, or 80,000 acres. According to Gentleman’s Journal, that’s the amount of prime Scottish countryside owned by Lego heir Kirk Kristiansen. So are Kirk and Lego behind this, building a real forbidden forest in the highlands, with a Lego Hogwarts at the centre? Alas, no.
We love a bit of investigative journalism (as you can tell from my tell-all on Kirk Kristiansen above) which is why this thread from Patrick Marlborough made our week. A dastardly tale of bracelets, frat houses and parking apps, we were on the edge of our seat throughout.
Tragically, the forbidden forest is not coming to life. The reality is no trees will be planted. But we did get to see some cute dogs. So that’s something, right (not really)?
As some US states continue to change abortion laws, SNL created a skit featuring Cecily Strong playing Goober the Clown (who had an abortion when she was 23). The clown costume and lame jokes show the awkwardness of the whole situation and a woman having to discuss the difficult topic on TV. There were obviously a lot of unhappy replies, but generally other comics and actors have posted about Cecily’s guts and bravery. Bravo Goober.
This last week, Instagram launched an exhibition at the Saatchi gallery in collab with HERVISIONS, promoting 50 of the UK’s most exciting up and coming creators. The digital celebration included a room full of phones showing Reels playing on a loop from Gen Z creators.
Seeing galleries such as Saatchi start to take creator content seriously, and class it as art, is a huge step up for the industry – Zaiba Jabbar, the founder of HERVISIONS, stated that Gen Zs open-mindedness meant that they could curate art that celebrated an exciting approach to self-exploration, through the power of video and social media – and if that isn’t art, what is?
Unfortunately the exhibition was short and sweet (five days!) but you can check out the creators involved, including Drag Race’s Krystal Versace and Steph Stone, who you will obviously recognise from her work with our wonderful client Blue Microphones… Right?
Stop ruining things
It will be very hard to write this segment without spoilers. But I’ll try.
Last Friday, Marvel’s Eternals was released in UK theatres. Lots of critics and the public were unsure on the film. Personally I loved it, but my taste is questionable – however in the UK we already knew to lower our expectations, since the film was already out in the USA and had been somewhat panned. This is where the spoilers began.
You see, the mid-credits scene in Eternals has one of the maddest reveals in all of Marvel history. Yet, for almost everyone, this was ruined by one US journalist tweeting the reveal when they saw the PREMIERE. Literally ruining it for everyone who wasn’t at the PREMIERE i.e., most humans on the planet.
A jaw-dropping moment was robbed from me and I will not be taking questions on it at this time.
Aldi’s has released their Christmas ad this year, with Kevin the Carrot being joined by Ebanana Scrooge and Marcus Radishford for a tale of kindness. Super cute, great message, lovely advert. And whoever came up with the fruit and veg names, bravo.
That’s not the bit we’re here to talk about. No, the highlight for us is the first few seconds, where you can see Cuthbert the caterpillar being arrested by two lemon policemen. This isn’t just an ad – it’s priceless.